
“In order for us to stay competitive in today’s marketplace we must adapt products and processes to be as flexible as possible to keep attractive products and prices in front of our customers. At times, it seems that we have just successfully completed a project or upgrade, and we are asked if it can be expanded, modified, or have new features added.”

-Every Plant Engineer & Plant Manager Everywhere

To address this challenge, Process and Data Automation (PDA) offers HYPERCARE by PDA – keeping our team an active part of your team throughout the lifecycle of your system. Our Solutions Specialists and Control Engineers will, at defined intervals, employ continuous improvement practices, helping you to collect, analyze, setup and control!


Is your new system working better than you could have ever imagined, and you don’t need to find and unlock new potential? No problem… HYPERCARE by PDA can provide training to your staff and improve documentation.

Would you like all your teams to follow this same procedure and eliminate manual shortcuts identified and used by the operators? No problem… HYPERCARE by PDA provides access to our team of Controls and Digitalization Engineers to develop SOP checklists that can be entirely manual, combination of manual and automatic, or fully automatic.

Is “Corporate” pushing you to integrate a new piece of equipment or a new process to your system? No problem… HYPERCARE by PDA can be redirected to assist you to meet these, and other, unanticipated future event.

Why not upgrade while the PO for the project is open, and provide yourself peace of mind after project completion? Comprehensive support is ideally suited for clients who need to augment the system with new products, integrate the system into other company-wide initiatives, or meet continuous improvement objectives. Clients who value expert input and regularly adjust their systems based on this feedback, find this the ideal fit.

HYPERCARE INCLUDES: (40) hours provided over 6-months including:

Valid system operation & document
Share remote system check observations / documentation. Discuss client satisfaction & pain points.

Do you need all the benefits of HYPERCARE for your entire facility, not just the project? Consider our Plant Support Services Agreement that enables you to have access to our vast range of expertise/capabilities from both our Engineering Services and Digitalization Groups, at a cost far less than employing one full-time engineer.

Terms & Conditions

  • If selected, HYPERCARE must be on a separate line item of the client’s PO or on a new PO.
  • Cannot be consumed prior to SAT acceptance. Project Change Orders shall be the exclusive remedy for addressing out-of-scope items during the project.
  • HYPERCARE by PDA adheres to PDA’s General Terms and Conditions as detailed on the final page of the project proposal.
  • Does not extend Process and Data Automation’s standard warranty terms. Extended warranty is available upon request and proposal inclusion by PDA sales.
  • Requires the use of a VPN or other secured plant-floor remote access installed and administered by the client. Process and Data Automation can supply this service upon request and proposal inclusion by PDA sales.
  • Must be scheduled within 6-months of SAT acceptance. Requests for work after this time will require a new scope of work and proposals from PDA.
  • Travel and Expenses billed at time of use and as consumed per PDA’s terms and conditions.